Lock to a secure pole or bike rack.
(Push on the pole or bike rack to make sure it’s firmly stuck in place and can’t be dislodged by a thief)
Do not leave any items on the bike such as a bag or water bottle if you’d like to keep them.
Secure your seat (or take it with you).
Use high-quality locks to secure your frame and lock both wheels not just one.
D: then there are kits to make your frame look rusted.
I've lost a few bikes with bike locks. And had a coupla others vandalized.
Somebody even stole my fat-ass granny seat of my junker mountain bike once.
I removed the quick-release lever and replaced it with a highly stripped nut/bolt instead.
No use having quick-release if you leave bits attached to your bike- it just makes theft that much easier.
City point of view- around campus each year, there are junkers with rusted out chains that clearly have been abandoned.
A simple solution? A month-based colour coded ribbon. Place on handlebars.
If you see April's ribbon in May, then toss out the bike.
They can be terrible eyesores.
And imply that a neighbourhood is run down.
This sends cues for deviance to ne'er-do-wells according to the situationist school.
D - that is why leaving graffiti up is an issue.
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